Beer style: CZECH LAGER Our classic bottom-fermented lager with a pleasant bitterness and full body.

Beer style: CZECH LAGER Our classic bottom-fermented lager with a pleasant bitterness and full body.

Mix your own HAKSNA from the current offer on the e-shop and give yourself or your loved ones a gift.

Beer style: West Coast IPA HAKSNA Brewery is home to the captivating West Coast IPA 15° (India Pale Ale), a luxuriously hopped, very fragrant lady with American Citra,...

Beer style: Pineapple sour ale The 12-step Sour ALE, nicknamed the sour beer, is a very fruity pineapple beer that is top-fermented in the HAKSNY concept. So don't look...

Beer style: Pineapple sour ale The 12-step Sour ALE, nicknamed the sour beer, is a very fruity pineapple beer that is top-fermented in the HAKSNY concept. So don't look...

Pivní styl: Pastry sour ale První, ale určitě ne poslední pastry sour ale z našeho pivovaru. Tato verze s hromadou tropického ovoce je i přes svou vyšší...

Beer style: West Coast IPA HAKSNA Brewery is home to the captivating West Coast IPA 15° (India Pale Ale), a luxuriously hopped, very fragrant lady with American Citra,...

Beer style: New England Pale Ale We'd like to introduce you to our newest treat - Blurry Image. This New England Pale Ale is hopped with Citra and the new Superdelic...

Beer style: AMERICAN PALE ALE Our next new beer is called Appka. As the name suggests, the beer is in the American pale ale style and is hopped with Citra, Ekuanot and...

Pivní styl: AMERICAN PALE ALE Naše další nové pivo se jmenuje Appka. Jak název napovídá pivo je ve stylu American pale ale a chmeleno je odrůdami Citra, Ekuanot...

Beer style: New England Pale Ale We'd like to introduce you to our newest treat - Blurry Image. This New England Pale Ale is hopped with Citra and the new Superdelic...